Welcome to Designing Meaningful Interactions by Katherine Dillon

Final Presentation and Prototype

Please click here to view the presentation

The prototype is here

User flow sign up, login, and onboarding..


The main user-experience however starts with Day’s interface.


The Vaccines and Milestones interface would borrow from this visualization


The calendar choices would look something like


The old yellow card is being replaced by an Interactive Data Visualization that may look like

userflow-pudding1 Source: https://pudding.cool/2019/12/real-mvp/

userflow-pudding2 Source: https://pudding.cool/2020/01/apology/

You can view Week 4 presentation to see the problem we are trying to solve and the future state journey map!

The persona is a college educated, 30-35 year old, Natalie, living in the city in a married household with a combined $150K income. Her goals include establishing herself in the city and raising a family. Her motivation is to track her baby’s health she is responsible for,and have something to keep a record of her baby’s health. Her frustrations are that communication styles are incomplete and the use of yellow card is fruitless. Current behavior entails anxiousness and insecurity in an uncharterd territory. Future Behavior could include more transparent communicationn with the pediatrician, acces to messages,i.e. if in an app one can plug in data from the baby, and the app can tell height/weight percentile (not having to manually compute height/weight percentile). Also rather than looking into CDC schedule online, if the app can tell which medicial visit and vaccination is coming up, and which side effects should you be looking out for (example Benadryl has allergies), expectations can be planned!

Feeiings that call for intervention vary from anxiousness and insecurity of parenting a child for the first time, to harassment due to sleeplessness and constant need of caring for a baby, something nobody else would do for you. Parents feel a sort of inadequacy when they’re unable to monitor and plan around their childs health.


Pain points:

You may also view the presentation here: Week 2 assignment, additional work may be viewed here: Draft

You can view Week 1 assignment to get an overview of the issue we discussed in class.

During the next six weeks we will study:

  1. What is UX
  2. Discover - a problem
  3. Define - ideation, applying it to a problem
  4. Design UX
  5. Design UI - visual layer on the top, color, typogoraphy, white space usage
  6. Develop and Test - user testing

5 characteristics of good UX:

Intuitive - without instructional manual
Efficient - worth pepoles time,
Anticipates errors
Satisfying - so people want to come back

A lot of ux designers call themselves product designers.

Product shouldn’t come with a manual with instructions it should be intuitive.

Focus on the user and all else will follow

Desirable experience = good business

**Research and _ideation_***

WHO Report Infant Mortality Rate